Sunday 6 February 2011

Art and a mini project by a follow blogger

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Hey all. I came across this new ( it may not be new but it's new to me hehe) feature on Google where it seems to do these interactive walks through art museums. I, for one thought this was a fantastic way to see art all over the world, without the costs specially if anyone is like me and can't afford to go into the big cities for the big museums and shows.

Art project
            Powered by Google 

Currently I'm "walking"around a gallery in Berlin. I find this idea so fantastic. Google really are useful in so many ways, I wonder what they will think of next.

Anyway, I'd like to highlight a little project on the blog Eating a Tangerine which I urge everyone to go and take a look at. Also, stick around and have a read of the rest of Holly's stuff. She's very enlightening and will often bring a smile to your face with the intelligent thoughts and beautiful imagery of her Week in Photo's feature.

Eating a Tangerine: A little project, just for fun and to see what happens

So go and have a look and take part. You may get something through the post, whats the harm in trying eh? ♥


  1. Thanks, Holly! And yeah, two is totally fine.

  2. No worries, I really like your blog and should probably do a proper post about it one day :)
    And yay ♥


I love it when you leave comments and I try and get back to you as soon as possible once I've read it. I also like to check out what you have to offer, so don't be afraid to leave your blog link too!
Thank you! ☺

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